Seedfolk Herbs is a small-batch herbal apothecary offering locally grown and sustainably sourced herbal medicine. Through herbal products, herbal health consultations, education, and advocacy we seek to celebrate, care for, and create connections between people and plants.

An herbalist learns to walk among worlds, blurring the lines between art, magic, myth and medicine. They skillfully gather leaf, flower, root, and bark to nourish and heal. She cultivates hope, develops spirit, and trusts her intuition. He is both scientist and shaman. An herbal medicine maker’s path is an ancient tradition and at the same time cutting edge. Their work is often invisible. He needs no accolades. Her heart is wild and full of love.
— Gail Faith Edwards, Blessed Maine Herb Farm

I pay deep gratitude to the plants, my teachers, and to the web of anarchists, ancestors, and activists who have come before me and made this green path a little greener: thank you.


Honoring and acknowledging that we reside on the unceded territory of the N’dakina (Abenaki) and all the American Indian and Indigenous Peoples and communities who have been or have become a part of these lands and territories now called Central Vermont.